Jessica Lynn’s Next “Crazy Idea”

When it comes to country we have two artists to thank when it comes to it crossing over and into the lives of people who may not have given it a chance otherwise; Garth Brooks and Shania Twain. So to be compared to any or both is always something new artists are humbled by. At least that’s the case with Jessica Lynn who’s been dubbed “Shania’s successor.”

While that may be daunting to some, Jessica said of the whole thing, “That is the utmost compliment in my book! It is very easy to stay grounded when you work hard for your accomplishments and you truly value not just your destination, but your journey,” adding, “Being an independent artist, I have worked incredibly hard to be where I am today and I think that’s what makes you humbly appreciate your success and be thankful for each and every moment.”

Working hard in the states and overseas, Jessica has a great team by her side through and through including her husband who doubles as her guitarist. Sharing their journey together she notes has created a “special bond” between them. Those were just a couple of things we went back and forth about as this rising country star talked about German pizza, her drum skills, the country community and more.

Kendra: Country is one of my favorite genres based solely on the community of its artists. Every time I see a country awards show on TV, it seems like a huge party with friends and not a competition. Do you feel like that when you head out on tour with people like Jo Dee Messina and Loretta Lynn?

Jessica: I can DEFINITELY agree that the people of country music are wonderful. The community of artists is truly unlike any other and there is a real sense of comradery. All of the artists I have ever toured or played with have taken me under their wing and made me feel like part of the family. It is very special.

Kendra: This past summer you headed overseas. Being that it wasn’t your first time touring there, were you more at ease?

Jessica: I was actually more nervous this time around because it was my first large-scale tour in Europe. My two previous trips this year were for only a week at a time so heading overseas for two months was a very daunting task. There were so many odds and ends to take care of such as ground transport, flights, all of the shows, cell service, etc., that you don’t have to worry about on a short trip. It was very stressful but was an absolutely incredible experience…one I will remember forever. Yes, we had our fair share of difficulties throughout the entire tour, but the people we met, the amazing shows we got to play, and the memories we made mean so much to me.

Kendra: Also, what city had the best food over there?

Jessica: This is so hard to pick!!! All of the food was really great and I did love trying the local cuisine and dishes in each region. I would have to say that one of my favorite foods was in Germany and it was called Flammkuchen. It is pretty much the German version of pizza. A very thin crust with any kind of toppings you could ever want. It was delicious! I have been craving it since I got home.

Kendra: Now you aren’t one of those singers who can only handle the mic. You play guitar and can hop on the drums and piano when necessary. While you love them all when it came to learning to play all of those – which came the most naturally?

Jessica: I do love playing all of my instruments and I think having the knowledge of them all is so helpful when I’m trying to communicate what I would like musically to the band, however, I started on piano. The piano is the only instrument that I took formal lessons on and I studied classical music and theory. I taught myself the guitar and drums so it is hard to decide which came the most natural but I would probably say the drums actually. I learned rather quickly and actually learned by playing along to Green Day’s American Idiot album!

Kendra: Did you play all of those on Look At Me That Way, or did you bring in some friends to help out?

Jessica: The band that is playing on Look At Me That Way is the top studio band in Belgium! It was such a treat to work with such talented musicians and it was a really interesting process to create together despite the language barrier. It was very inspiring being around such a skilled and experienced group.

Kendra: When and where did most of that EP come together?

Jessica: I co-wrote the entire EP in Belgium with the team at The Globe Studios. Working with such an acclaimed producer, Patrick Hamilton, was very exciting for me and being that I usually write all alone, it was interesting to collaborate on the whole EP. It is interesting to see where your mind and creativity goes when you have other people with totally different ideas and backgrounds steering the ship as well. I think that’s what made the EP so exciting to put together, however, the mix of so many different influences and forces coming together as one.

Kendra: Another reason I respect country is that the women, especially in this genre, have such a force to them when they perform. When you get on stage, what or who is giving you that extra shot of strength to put on a powerful performance?

Jessica: What motivates me to have such energy in my performances is my love simply for performing and music. I enjoy what I do so much and getting on stage in-front of an audience is what fuels my entire life and passion. It is hard to not to give something 110% when you are enjoying every single second of it.

Kendra: You’ve got a few shows in New Jersey and New York coming up throughout the end of the year. Anything else we can be on the lookout for?

Jessica: Being that we just got off the road we are taking a little bit of a break at home and doing some local shows on the East Coast from now until Christmas. I will be heading out on a radio tour soon to promote my new single “Crazy Idea” and then in January, we will go back out on the road on the West Coast!

Kendra: Backtracking to strong women in country, if you had to make a mixtape that showcased some badass ladies of country – what five songs would have to be on it?

Jessica: Some of my favorites are:

Shania Twain – “Forever and For Always
Sugarland – “Stay
Martina McBride – “I Love You
Gretchen Wilson – “Here for the Party
Loretta Lynn – “You Ain’t Woman Enough to Take My Man

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